Block Icons for Umbraco

490+ beautiful, hand-crafted block icons for Umbraco CMS

With Block Icons
Without Block Icons
What are ‘Block Icons’?

In Umbraco CMS, any editing interface using the Block List or Block Grid data types has an option to represent the blocks as icons. Umbraco includes a standard icon set by default. Developers can enhance the aesthetic and user experience of the back-office for content editors by augmenting these icons with high-fidelity, UI-specific alternatives offered in this icon pack.

What do I get?

The Block Icons pack consists of 490+ high-quality, hand-crafted icons representing a wide range of common UI components (including images, cards, videos, carousels, heroes, forms, charts, layouts, galleries, text/blog articles, calendars, quotes, accordions, tabs, maps, calls-to-action + more…) in a simplified, elegant style. The icons are themed in Umbraco’s blue brand colour, delivered as optimised 8bit png files sized at 16:10 aspect ratio (400x250px) as per Umbraco’s recommendations.

Download a free, 5-icon sample.

How do I use the icons?

Unzip the contents of the downloaded `.zip` file after purchasing and copy the `BlockIcons` folder and its contents into the `App_Plugins` folder in your Umbraco project. The icons will then be available to pick when configuring the appearance of blocks in the block editor data type (detailed in the Umbraco documentation).

How does licensing work?

All icons are copyright and must not be distributed beyond the licensee, made public, shared or incorporated into derived products under any circumstances.

Two license options are available. One for single developers (freelancers, sole traders, one-person companies etc) and one for agencies (multi-person organisations/companies). Icons may be used by the licensee on unlimited projects, perpetually, with no geographical constraints, but only on projects managed directly by the licensee.

If you are a single developer such as a freelancer, employed on an agency project an agency license is required.

If you inherit a project using this Block Icon pack, the icons may still be used on the original project under the original license. This does not grant the inheritor license to use the icons in other projects; to do so would require a new license.

What if I can’t find the icon I’m looking for?

Significant effort has gone into developing a comprehensive set of icons to cover a wide range of common UI components. If you're unable to find the right one, you can still use Umbraco’s built-in icons or introduce custom or third-party icons. Feel free to get in touch, as we may periodically add new icons to this pack and may consider suggestions.

Will the icons match my design exactly?

No! There are practically unlimited designs for even a single UI component. These Block Icons are schematic, not literal so they are intended to indicate what the block does rather than exactly how it will look on the front-end website.

How do I pay? What about taxes?

Your payments are safe and secure with Lemon Squeezy, our trusted payment partner. They also take care of tax collection based on your location, ensuring everything is handled smoothly for you.

Can I get a refund?

Due to the nature of this digital product we’re unable to offer refunds once a license has been purchased. Please download a free 5-icon sample before purchasing.

Can I get a free sample?